
Stephen Fry narrates classic detective fiction

Actor, TV presenter, author and all-around good egg Stephen Fry has lent his vocal talents to two classic detective stories that Audible is giving away as an exclusive Christmas gift to its members. The Coin of Dionysius and The Game Played in the Dark feature the blind detective Max…
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We are on Goodreads, and more news...

Apologies, it’s been quiet in terms of reviews and features for the last couple of days. More are in progress, we promise. And, plenty has been going on behind the scenes too. We want more people to be able to find our book reviews, interviews…
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Five free classic crime audiobooks

Here at CFL we’re always keen to unearth hidden gems and our regular readers may remember that back in September we reported on five free classic crime reads that are legally available to download. Now if you happen to be an audiobook fan, we think…
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